Friday, November 25, 2011

Boone in Thailand

    For the last couple days i have been off of here. I've been off of everywhere and enjoying everywhere. We got up, i think it was either monday or tuesday morning, had an amazing breakfast of fresh fruit and coffee and went to find a bus north. Pai is where we were heading. A northern town in the mountains that could literally be a third world Boone or Asheville. Hippies all over the place. Everyone in flip-flops or barefoot. Coffee every three shops (not all of them good though). The 150 Bhat (6 bucks) van ride took 3 hours on twisting roads and eventually summitted over the mountains to descend into a valley where the town we were looking for was. The whole time Laura and James were telling me how much like Boone it was. They were on the money. Of all the places i've been on this trip thus far i've been most comfortable here. We met up with the Britts who had arrived the day before just in passing walking down the "market street." Caught up, made plans and parted ways. Simple. We spent the night just wandering around town, up and down the alleys, looking in shops and snaking on street vendor food. Eventually we found one who was selling bugs, i cant tell you how excited i was. I got James to eat a wood grub and a grasshopper! I got a bag to go and we (mostly I) snacked on them for the rest of the night.

    The following day we woke up around 8, met up with the Britts after breakfast and hopped into a truck to head out of the town. We went to a lake that an Australian guys stocks with all kinds of exotic fish and 1 dollar drinks. Ten hours, lots of delicious snacks and a few fish later the owner drove the lot of us back to town cause he was ready to close up and tired of us catching all his fish. We cleaned up, met even more travelers that we had run into over the past few days and set back out to walk to the streets and find cool stuff to see. Our friends Julie and Marissa had come up that day so they met us out, along with a Belgian couple who we had met while 24 hours south on the island.
     We hopped around from dive bar to dive bar meeting all sorts of interesting people with great stories of why they were in Pai. We found an awesome bar that let foreigners draw on the wall. So i left my mark, Figured it was a good place for it. Life is what you make it!
     On that note, i'm done for the night and have to figure out how to catch a a TukTuk to the bus station to catch the over night bus down to Bangkok to catch my flight to Seoul!!!

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