Monday, May 14, 2012

5.4k... that's only like 3 miles right?

Alright so last weekend i went for a hike. I dragged some friends along and convinced them it wasn't that big of deal. I mean, according to the Korean Nation Parks page, its only 5.4 Kilometers and while they list is as strenuous i cant imagine it being all that bad... Plus they said Wulchulsan was ridiculous as well and that wasn't so bad. Turns out, i ate my words on this one. This hike was insane, the picture don't even begin to do the trail justice. Literally 5.4k on ragged rough uneven wobbly all natural stairs. 5.4k (3 miles roughly) of stairs made out of rocks, chunks of wood, landscape timbers, the occasional wrought iron stair case for 20 or 30 feet up over a cliff edge or something too steep to simply walk/crawl up. Only to get to the summit and literally have to use your arms legs and practically teeth to make it to the top because it's so steep. To say this hike was insane would be an understatement.  But man do i feel accomplished after doing it. Bring on the world. Jirisan 0 me 1.

                                              The over all goal... where we're going... the top...

Our lamp post marking our campsite

 The view from half way.

  And in typical Korean fashion there is a coffee shop at the rest area right before the temple.

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